Sunday, November 2, 2008

Want to Make a Change? GET OUT AND VOTE!!

Years back I remember a phrase that was touted during election times...
"If you don't vote, then you don't have the right to bitch about the way things are being done"

Thinking about that phrase, it seems that this year especially makes it ring true. So much is being done to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to get to the polls and cast their vote this election. People who haven't voted in years have gotten out in record numbers to cast their votes early. Seems everyone wants to make sure their candidate has the votes to win.

I've made my mind up on who I'd like to see in office, I've researched the local issues that will be on the ballot this year and I've marked these choices on my 'sample ballot' so I won't forget how I wanted to vote once I get to the polling place. In some instances, I've chosen to boot everyone who has been in office out...we could use a bit of 'fresh blood' in our state and local governments also. There are only a very few I'm voting to keep in office at the local level.

In my opinion, everyone who has been holding office around here has let special interest groups get by with entirely too much.

It's time for a change and the only way to make change happen is to vote out those who are not doing the job the way 'we the people' think it needs done.
If you haven't cast your vote as yet, make sure you get to the polls on Tuesday Nov 4...

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